
Alejandro Martinez
Yemen Mocca Pearl of Tehama

Yemen Mocca Pearl of Tehama

  I have always been fascinated by history, which is why I enjoy reading history books. A while back, I came across "Uncommon Grounds" by Mark Pendergast. It is an incredible book that delves into the history of coffee, tracing its origins from the early beginnings to our present day. If you're keen to learn more about our beloved addiction, I wholeheartedly recommend this book. In one of the chapters, the author describes how coffee migrated from Ethiopia to Yemen, where it thrived in the Yemeni highlands. From there, coffee consumption spread across the Arabian Peninsula, which is where the...

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Alejandro Martinez
FRESH LOOK, NEW VIBE! Much has changed, but not our coffee!

FRESH LOOK, NEW VIBE! Much has changed, but not our coffee!

We're Back! You might not have realized it, but our website was temporarily down this week for a few days. The Crickle Creek Team has been working tirelessly on a comprehensive brand revamp and various other enhancements. While it may feel like a complete overhaul, please rest assured that both our coffee, our team and our service remain unchanged. Now, you might be curious about the exact changes. The truth is, there have been so many that we're not quite sure where to start. Well, let's dive right in... Brand Image: New Logo and Color Palette Adriana has dedicated the...

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Adriana Martinez
The Swiss Water Decaf Coffee Process: A Natural Path to Flavourful Decaffeination

The Swiss Water Decaf Coffee Process: A Natural Path to Flavourful Decaffeination

Coffee lovers who seek the perfect balance between rich flavours and a caffeine-free experience often turn to decaffeinated coffee. Among the various methods available, the Swiss Water process has emerged as an innovative and eco-friendly approach to decaffeination. At Crickle Creek Coffee, we're dedicated to bringing our clients the most delightful coffee experience possible. That's why all our decaf options exclusively feature Swiss Water beans, ensuring that our customers enjoy both the finest beans and a superior decaffeination process. The Swiss Water Decaf Coffee Process Unveiled The Swiss Water decaf coffee process sets itself apart from conventional methods through its utilization...

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Adriana Martinez
Episode VI: The Coffee Journey

Episode VI: The Coffee Journey

Greetings, coffee enthusiasts! ☕️ Today, we're thrilled to share our farm activities since June, with a focus on fertilization - the heart of our thriving coffee trees. We've completed two rounds of fertilization, using our nutrient-rich compost mix, Bokashi, in April and May. Additionally, we carefully planned three applications of more traditional albeit high-quality fertilizer, ensuring each tree received about 4 ounces of fertilizer three times a year! Fertilization is essential to replenish nutrients and ensure healthy trees and abundant yields. We use a specialized slow-release fertilizer with vital elements like Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium, plus essential micro-elements. Though costlier,...

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