Well, the time has come Rosie The Roaster said...

Yes, it is about time for me to get the heck out of the way so that new blood (owners), along with the crew - Kelly, Bruce, and Larry, can take the helm and make Crickle Creek Coffee everything it should be.  The new owners bring quality coffee creds from generations of coffee farming including roasting acuity and a Q-Grade certification, IT, social media, and sales acumen, and are all around fab folks.  They will still be roasting and delivering as per usual in our shop in the Priddis area, but with a renewed vigor and purpose. The roasting and delivery will continue to be above par manned by our faithful team but the Queen Bean will take a transitional position and a back seat to watch the magic from afar.

I have been pushing the coveted bean now for over 28 years and have very much enjoyed the camaraderie and the joys of connecting with like-minded coffee addicts.  We’ve had fun alright!  I’ve been welcomed and encouraged by you all and I certainly appreciate your support indeed.  I shall stay on for the transition which may take a bit yet, but eventually it'll be poof! and I'll be gone.

Should you have any amount owing from before October 31st, please remit to my email address as above.  All other charges will go to the new owners and those payment methods will remain the same on our website and credit card charges.  Please send the Etransfers for charges made after October 31st to alejandro@cricklecreekcoffee.com.

All current credits and prepayments are, of course, honoured - no worries!

Allow me introduce the new team:

Alejandro Martinez, Adriana Martinez, Guillermo Franco and the old crew (who just can’t let go) Kelly Hunter, Bruce Gammell, and Larry Patterson:

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         Guillermo, Alejandro, and Adriana                                             


           Bruce                                        Larry                                      Kelly                              Nancy - See you on the flip side!
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