The following are the tasting notes on our new Coffee Of The Month:
Panama Baru Indian High Estate comes with a pointed and sparkling acidity, tobacco notes on finish, is complex delivering wine, tartness, melon, with a soft earthy note and caramel. Yikes! It is a medium roast and that is all I can control but is lovely and has a nice body without the aftertaste associated with acidic coffees. It is grown in the western mountains in the Boquete region close to the Costa Rica border and is a single estate farm.
Panama Baru Indian High Estate comes with a pointed and sparkling acidity, tobacco notes on finish, is complex delivering wine, tartness, melon, with a soft earthy note and caramel. Yikes! It is a medium roast and that is all I can control but is lovely and has a nice body without the aftertaste associated with acidic coffees. It is grown in the western mountains in the Boquete region close to the Costa Rica border and is a single estate farm.