Yes, here we go into the breach folks...from the starboard side we have Spruce Meadows Christmas Markets for 1 more weekend and then on the port side we are girding our loins for the Christmas rush orders. Yikes.
We want to make sure Calgary knows we exist and so we'll be selling our wares in the Horizons Pavillion should you care to come by and harass us. We are pretty tough and can weather any onslaught as long as it comes with good parlay and a joke or two. Bring it on!
After that, we will undoubtedly make our way to the nearest watering hole and dive into a boozy concoction of some sort. Rum is the answer...What was the question?
Last deliveries for the year will be the 18th and 19th December and absolute hard deadline for orders will be the 16th December 5 PM.
NICARAGUA SAN JUAN RIO is the come-back kid boasting cocoa, brown sugar, and almond notes in a medium roast. It hails from the northern highlands of Nicaragua from a co-operative region of 430 farms of which 25% are women owned and run. San Juan is all about high quality coffee, ensuring a greater international market share, competitive pricing, and quality control.
We are bringing the Bali Blue Moon for Christmas at $21/pound and $11/half pound. It is very special medium roast with plum pudding finish and as smooth as a rum eggnog made right.